Dog training in Altrincham

 Welcome to the Altrincham & District Dog Training Society! The ADDTS is one of the largest Dog Training clubs in the Altrincham and district area, having been in existence for over 60 years. 

At present we have over 200 dogs and their handlers enrolled in the society. The Club is a Registered Charity (No: 702376), affiliated to the Kennel Club and staffed entirely by volunteers. All staff are DBS checked. Many members of the current training team arrived as new dog owners, worked their way through the classes and then decided to train as instructors. So they well understand the situations new members may find themselves in.

Certificate of Excellence 2024 Top 3 Dog Trainers

Certificate of Excellence 2024 Top 3 Dog Trainers

As a society, our aim is to promote a high standard of responsible dog ownership to ensure that each dog will receive the best possible care and enjoy a fulfilled and happy life. We also hope that coming to the classes and other activities we offer will increase handlers’ understanding of their dogs and enjoyment of their company.

We meet on Sunday afternoons, (Bank Holidays excepted), and train both inside and outside in all weather conditions.

The foundation classes are divided into Puppies, for dogs under 6 months of age, or Beginners, for dogs older than 6 months. On completion of this introduction to training, the dogs then begin their progression through the advanced classes.

The training methods we use are based on the principle of positive reinforcement of the desired behaviour and we firmly believe that the classes should be enjoyable for both dog and handler. The old adage, ‘Be firm and fair, but do have fun,’ sums up our approach.

The ADDTS always welcomes new members and if you are looking to build a sound loving relationship with your dog, we would be delighted to see you.

If you would like to talk to someone directly, you will find telephone numbers under ‘Contacts’.


The society used to be called The North Cheshire Canine Club and was first established in August 1950.

It was 1951 when the name was changed to Altrincham and District Alsatian Training Society; though, other dog breeds were accepted in to the group. In the 1950s, all dog members had to be a ‘pedigree’ or a ‘working’ dog, however this is no longer the case; we accept any breed of dog into the society.

During 1952 the society gained its official affiliation to the Kennel Club. The club focus was mainly obedience training.

It was in 1967 when the name was changed to our official name; ‘The Altrincham and District Dog Training Society".

We became a registered charity in 1990 and offer all kinds of dog training courses and exciting activities in addition to official Kennel Club events.

We welcome all kinds of dogs and owners with a variety of experience.

Our main focus now is ‘pet-dog’ training, which we offer in a wonderful, relaxed and friendly environment. For more information about joining the society, please get in contact. We are more than happy for new members to join us.


Our staff are committed to providing quality dog training and give up an incredible amount of time to ensure that high standards are met; as they are all volunteers, they don’t do it for money, they do it for their genuine passion and love for dogs. Most of our instructors have been CRB checked and there are several first aiders present throughout the training.

The Committee

Sylvia Davenport, our Chief Training Instructor, is Chairperson of The Altrincham & District Dog Society’s committee. Sylvia deals with the everyday running of this society. The committee is elected annually; nominations are requested from members of the club before the AGM. We welcome enquiries from those members who want to commit a little bit of time to the society. To qualify you will need to have been a member for a minimum period of one year. You will need to have time on Sundays and be an active member of the committee.

The Club Shop

Training dogs is hard work and it can be easy to forget the necessities. Claire Taylor is the club's Nutritional Advisor, and attends each week, offering a range of Oscar training treats, leads, harnesses, compostable poop bags and more. We offer an optional weighing service for new puppies, should you want to track your puppy's growth rates, and Claire is happy to offer nutritional advice at the club or over the phone to all club members - 0161 9691177